
The goal with offering a photo-editing service is to make changes to photos so they will look professional, even if you can't afford professional right now! I want to give people the opportunity to hang photos they have taken themselves in their home, with out the annoyance of poor color quality, or a piece of garbage sitting in the corner of the photo, or even to take out crazy Uncle Jeff and his silly face in a perfectly nice photo. Many people nowadays are held back when it comes to taking nice photos because they can't afford an expensive camera. This way, I can take whatever photo they want, spruce it up a bit to really capture the beauty that their camera can't, while at the same time giving them the reigns to let me know how they may want their photo changed, tweaked, or enhanced.

Photo-editing also allows for many gift-giving opportunities. Share a photo you captured of a couple laughing together as a present. Colors aren't bright enough? No problem. His one shoe is untied? No problem. There's a shopping bag on the couch next to them that you think ruins the picture? No problem. Or perhaps you want to give a fun gift to someone, like this one I gave my husband, who I call my superman:

The opportunites are really endless!
Here is a little compilation of a few more photo-edits I have done... much more to come soon!

Feel free to contact me with any questions or interest at yecatsf51289@gmail.com.

NOTE::: Others have taken a few of these photos that I edited for them. They are the complete property owners of the photos, and will be taken down if they wish.

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